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Women Holding Hands

Get To Know Us

Our Programs

Valley Springs Youth Ranch provides residential treatment for young men ages 6-21 by utilizing behavior modification and therapeutic services. To more effectively meet the needs of our clients, we offer three levels of programming:










Level IV – Intensive Treatment Unit:

Level IV provides treatment in a locked, secure, highly-structured environment. Each resident has his own room while they learn new coping skills. The goal of the Intensive Treatment Unit is to provide a safe place to learn with the opportunity to move to a less restrictive setting.


Level III

The units of Level III provide residents the opportunity to learn and grow in an open cottage environment and require less structure.  The goal of Level III is to prepare residents for a less restrictive environment such as home with their family or transitional living.



The Girls’ Program at Valley Springs Youth Ranch is a Level III and IV structured programs that combine therapeutic residential treatment with opportunities for learning practical skills such as preparing menus and cooking, laundry, money management and other life skills. The residents live in Murphy House and graduate out to Omega.  The house is designed to provide a home-like environment.  Omega House has a full kitchen, laundry facilities, dining room, living room and three bedrooms.  The girls are assigned a Case Manager and a primary Therapist.  The girls’ therapist and other facility therapists will provide group therapy and the primary therapist will provide individual therapy.  
The girls attend school at the Lesterville Alternative School, when they achieve the appropriate level, they may participate in Lesterville Public School sports teams.












Education at Valley Springs Youth Ranch is provided by Lesterville Public School. The Ranch Campus is fully accredited and offers small classes, individualized plans, and mastery learning including accelerated reading and math programs. All of our teachers are certified in Special Education. Ranch Campus students are eligible for team sports and other extra-curricular activities.


Lesterville Ranch Campus School

The Lesterville R1V School operates a unique, fully accredited alternative school on the grounds of Lesterville Public School. The Ranch School has fully certified and highly trained staff and state of the art technology in every classroom. Students are taught all the basic subjects as well as classes in careers, personal finance, personal development and life skills. They learn money and banking skills, how to get and keep a job, how to choose a career, find a home, get insurance, ect. The classes are very small, usually no more than 6 students, with a teacher and aide in each class. The instruction is individualized to the need of each student. We also provide a structured educational environment for those students who are on homebound or not able to go to a public school setting on the grounds at Valley Springs Youth Ranch.


Mastery learning is required in all classes. Therefore, all assignments must be mastered with a score of at least 70%, or it will be re-taught and re-done. This promotes self esteem and success, as students realize that they are earning good grades and credits. We work to teach appropriate behaviors and hold students accountable for inappropriate behavior. We value our time with them and believe that the more time they spend in school, the more time we have to teach them appropriate behaviors.


Therapeutic Services

All residents are provided with an individual licensed therapist who is available for weekly individual therapy. Daily group therapy is provided as well. In addition, therapeutic services may include treatment for substance abuse, trauma therapy, anger management, crisis intervention, grief and family therapy.













Valley Springs offers a wide variety of activities including horseback riding, camping, canoeing, swimming, fishing, painting and team sports. Soccer and basketball camps are held every summer. Residents also have the opportunity to work with animals including horses, a dog, donkeys, llamas, chickens and goats.


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